🌸Japanese Customer : Japanese Customer Newsletter, October 28th 2013


October 27, 2013

Japanese Customer Newsletter, October 28th 2013

Japanese Customer Newsletter, October 28th 2013.

#1. Prices

"Kewpie Corp...will raise prices on major jam products by 4 to 7 percent, …The price increase on jam products will be the first in 23 years, the company said. Increased demand for fruits in China and other emerging economies have also pushed up import costs”

Source: Kewpie to raise jam product prices for first time in 23 years, July 17th 2013, Japan Times

#2. Literary Prizes

"The selection committees for two prestigious awards for Japanese literature selected Kaori Fujino as winner of the Akutagawa award and Shino Sakuragi as laureate of the Naoki prize…Fujino..for her work “Tsume to Me” (“Nails and Eyes”),,,Sakuragi... for her collection of seven short stories titled “Hotel Royal,” ..each receive ¥1 million in prize money at an awards ceremony in Tokyo in late August.”

Source: Fujino wins Akutagawa award; Sakuragi gets Naoki prize
JUL 17, 2013, Japan Times

#3 Food

Eels are often consumed during the summer on specific dates, July 22 and Aug. 3 this year, that are known as Doyo no Ushi no Hi. The vitamins contained in eels have long been considered to help reduce fatigue and lack of appetite during the summer”

Source: Tastes like chicken? New ‘unagi’ product uses fowl in place of eel
BY JUN HONGO, July 17th 2013, Japan Times

#4. Advertising

"A long-running dispute between Qantas’ budget offshoot, Jetstar, and Toyota is now focused on who can prove they should own the right to trademark figures of star jumps with straight legs.”

Source: Toyota, Jetstar in star-jumps war, July 16th 2013, BY Matt Sullivan, THE AGE

#6. Quote

“.. the only things that remain bright and distinct in the memory are times when one has burned to accomplish something, those past times that prove one has lived.” Page 43

Daisaku Ikeda and Yasushi Inoue

Source: Letters of Four Seasons

#7. Design

“Nissan tries to differentiate itself as a global Japanese brand, he said. "If you do all the design in Japan, the depth and width of expressions tends to become narrow."

Source: Designing cars in China: Can Nissan give "Daqi" global appeal?
July 18th 2013, THE AGE

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