🌸Japanese Customer : Curriculum


June 20, 2020



In the design of curriculum for Japanese students a number of key points should be considered:

  • Knowledge of what students learn in Japan

  • How students are assessed in Japan

  • Definition of key learning outcomes and how to reach them

  • How assessment will be carried out

  • Clear descriptions of the level of competency a student must achieve for passing the assessment

  • Inclusion of knowledge, skills, and abilities from their Japanese learning. That is what skill did they bring and how can these be incorporated into the learning environment.To reassure the legitimacy, usefulness and skills brought. For example: memorization, accuracy in reproduction, etc

From a teaching perspective. Staff should on the first day of class assess the nationalities in the class and make efforts to include content based on each nationality present. Draw on the skills, knowledge and expertise of each nationality in the class to share, explain and develop interest in their culture.

For Example:

In an English language class staff can draw on the each students nationality by gaining insights into each nationalities experiences of learning English in their home country by giving a range of parameters. For Example: hours of class contact per week, method of study, class room interaction, practice methods, testing procedures, practice and abilities gained.

A thorough analysis of each nationality and culture at the start of the teaching term by the teacher allows for a a more colourful, interesting and developed curriculum that teaches skills and builds trust.


Prue Holmes University Waikato

Internationalization of Curricula in Higher Education Institutions in Comparative Perspectives: Case Studies of China, Japan and The Netherlands

Associate Professor Betty Leask, UNISA

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