🌸Japanese Customer : Staff Training


June 20, 2020

Staff Training

Staff Training

Japanese students will interact with a wide array of your institutions staff, your staff should be fully trained to understand the student (their culture, communication styles, learning styles, difficulties faced as an international student, etc) and be flexible in their approach.

We recommended the following basic training be undertaken for all staff who will be in contact with Japanese students at your institution.

Introduction to Japanese Culture

  • Language
  • Traditions
  • Values
  • Communication styles
  • Learning styles
  • Problem-solving techniques
A combination of workshops, private research, group discussions and finally direct contact with students. We would recommend a minimum of least 150 hours of training for staff.

“Many (students) said they couldn’t bridge the gap between the formal English they had learned at school and the casual language of Australians.

Strine sense of alienation

Brendan O’Keefe, The Australian Newspaper, Higher Education

A common-sense approach is to hire staff who have any Japan-related experience particularly in English language training undertaken in Japan. Staff with living, working or Japanese language experience are invaluable to any school or faculty.