🌸Japanese Customer : How to


Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts

January 05, 2024

Ten Japanese words you must know when you engage with Japanese customers 🌸

1. Sumimasen - Excuse me

2. Gomen Nasai - Sorry, my apologies

3. Arigatou Gozaimasu - Thank You (Polite)

4. Doumou - Thank you (casual)

5. Honto ni - Really

6. Mou ikai yukkuri kudasai - Could you please repeat that

7. Wakarimashita - I understand

8. Choudou ii - perfect, just right

9. Hai - yes, ok, I am listening

10. Iie - No

#japanesecustomers #japan #business #language #phrases #polite #essential #words #tips #japanese