🌸Japanese Customer : Top 10 most expensive cities in the world - Japan has 2 cities in the top 10 - 2. Tokyo and 4. Kobe, Japan


May 02, 2012

Top 10 most expensive cities in the world - Japan has 2 cities in the top 10 - 2. Tokyo and 4. Kobe, Japan

The Top 10 Most Expensive Cities

1. Zurich, Switzerland
2. Tokyo, Japan
3. Geneva, Switzerland
4. Kobe, Japan
5. Oslo, Norway
6. Paris, France
7. Sydney, Australia
8. Melbourne, Australia
9. Singapore, Singapore
10. Frankfurt, Germany

Source: AMP- NATSEM report by Ben Phillips

Article: $224 better off than 1984
Living Expenses
Phillip Hudson
National Political Editor
Published in Herald Sun Newspaper
Wednesday May 2nd, 2012, page 5