🌸Japanese Customer : Japanese snack manufacturer cuts losses on famous potato snack ポテトスナック consumers rush for last packets


July 10, 2013

Japanese snack manufacturer cuts losses on famous potato snack ポテトスナック consumers rush for last packets

Video: Potato Snacks taste test with rival brand (Japanese)

Source: ポテトスナック ステーキ味【30円】いずみ製菓株式会社 駄菓子コレ
Potato snacks steak taste [30 yen] Izumiseika Co. candy collection # 52
hentekonet You Tube Channel


"The weak yen ....was the last straw for Potato Snack.The 25-year-old Japanese cracker, sold four in a 30-cent bag.With the prospect of a weakening currency pushing higher costs of imported ingredients, maker Izumi Seika Co. pulled the plug on the unit that makes Potato Snack last month, to the dismay of die-hard fans."

Source: Japanese Fans Mourn Demise of 'Potato Snack'
July 9th 2013
Wall Street Journal
Eleanor Warnock