🌸Japanese Customer : Integration


June 20, 2020



the first three months were hardest for international students, some of whom said they felt their only link with Australia was the airport they arrived at and the campus they studied on”
Strine sense of alienation

Brendan O’Keefe, The Australian Newspaper, Higher Education


http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au accessed 30/06/06

Integration includes all the activities that need to be considered, planned for and undertaken to ensure students feel comfortable and settled into their:

  • 1. Local environment,
  • for example: their local community and nearest town or city where they live.

  • 2. School environment

  • 3. Learning environment

  • 4. Study environment

Useful References:

  • Book by Alison Broinowski
  • Five steps to consider for successful student Integration


“many (international students) felt Australians were not interested in getting to know them”

Strine sense of alienation

Brendan O’Keefe, The Australian Newspaper, Higher Education

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