🌸Japanese Customer


November 04, 2021

Convenience store Family Mart hires a robot stocker

Video: Please note that the video is in Japanese Source: ANN News

''it appears Family Mart chose Telexistence’s very plain looking TXScara robot arm to do the stocking. As we can see in the video above, the arm automatically refills the display case by grabbing items from the stock shelves directly behind it and sliding them into the correct section.''

Source: Sora News24

July 06, 2020

Book Review: Tokyo Island by Natsuo Kirino

Natsuo Kirino’s short story is based on a small unnamed island in the Pacific ocean. Kiyoko a forty-six year old woman is preparing for her wedding to her fourth husband today. An island ritual takes place every two years and the men on the island enter a lottery that is made up of seashells. As the only woman on the island she prepares for the day and imagines her new future.

’But Kiyoko was the star, no matter where she went. People on the island studied her every move, doing their best to stay in her good graces and win her attention’’

June 20, 2020

90 year old Japanese grandma is worlds oldest gamer

90-year-old grandma Hamako Mori holds a Guinness World Record as the world's oldest gaming 
You Tuber according to the Herald Sun Newspaper.

Watch her play in the video below (in Japanese) 

For English subtitles, click the CC button, settings English for English subtitles

Source: Gran's game for YouTube
Herald Sun Newspaper
Monday 8th June 2020
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