🌸Japanese Customer


July 21, 2023

Photo: Japanese Aisunomi Ice Cream made in Hokkaido Custard Vanilla


Japanese Aisunomi Ice Cream 
made in Hokkaido (Custard Vanilla)

July 19, 2023

Video: A typical Japanese evening meal

 Video: A typical Japanese evening meal

April 08, 2023

In the beginning, Woman was the Sun The autobiography of Hiratsuka Raicho by Teruko Craig


"by the mid 1890's a general reaction to Westernization had set in.... Japan was once again to be "pure".... the calls for a return to traditional values and a more assertive nationalism had become more strident" p 40.

#book #hiratsukaraicho #tokyo #1880 #japan # #japanesecustomer #women #children #money #roles #behaviour #history #westernization