🌸Japanese Customer


January 07, 2018

"This is the year to put thought into action"

Japanese Buddhist Proverb

"This is the year to put thought into action"

今年こそ 実行する のは この わたし

January 01, 2018

Book Review: Time and Others By Yokomitsu Riichi

Book Review: Time and Others By Yokomitsu Riichi

Time and Others contains four short stories that have been translated by various authors. It includes Time, Silent Ranks, Machine, Spring in a Surrey. Each story is unique and stands alone.
A cross section of characters, settings and insights that will leave you wanting more as each story will leave a lasting impression.Standout stories include Time and Machine.  

japan, japanese, customer, consumer, book review, time and others, japanese literature, short stories, yokomitsu riichi, www.japanesecustomer, @jcustomers, #japan, #japaneseliterature, #bookreview

December 28, 2017

Who are the three largest online retailers in Japan?

" Rakuten, Amazon.co.jp and Yahoo! Japan are the top three online retailers in Japan (Fuji Keizai.co.jp)

SourceMoriuchi, E., & Takahashi, I. (2016). Satisfaction trust and loyalty of repeat online consumer within the Japanese online supermarket trade. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ)24 (Retailing Around the Pacific Rim), 146-156. doi:10.1016/j.ausmj.2016.02.006