🌸Japanese Customer


January 05, 2024

Ten Japanese words you must know when you engage with Japanese customers 🌸

1. Sumimasen - Excuse me

2. Gomen Nasai - Sorry, my apologies

3. Arigatou Gozaimasu - Thank You (Polite)

4. Doumou - Thank you (casual)

5. Honto ni - Really

6. Mou ikai yukkuri kudasai - Could you please repeat that

7. Wakarimashita - I understand

8. Choudou ii - perfect, just right

9. Hai - yes, ok, I am listening

10. Iie - No

#japanesecustomers #japan #business #language #phrases #polite #essential #words #tips #japanese

December 29, 2023

Presentation: Export Options Asia - Japan 🌸


#japanesecustomer #export #japan #presentation #startup #leadership

December 22, 2023

What is Giri- Ninjo in Japanese culture?


Picture: Making sushi rice at home

"Giri-ninjo is viewed as obligation in return for a favour... Giri-ninjo operates in nearly all interpersonal relationships. Because parents lavish amae on children, children must repay their parents by taking care of them in their old age" 

Amae = the unconscious desire found in Japanese cultures to depend on others to do things for them

Source: Deciphering the Japanese cultural code by Rosenbergh L and Thompson, G

#japanesecustomer #japan #japaneseculture #quote #picture #business #relationships #dependence #girininjo